Saturday, 07 April 2018 16:01

تپه حصار دامغان

تپه حصار واقع در حاشیه جنوبی شهر دامغان برای نخستین بار توسط اریخ اشمیت از دانشگاه پنسیلوانیا در سال 1312 مورد کاوش قرار گرفت. بر اثر این کاوش ها روشن شد که این محوطه باستانی دارای سه دوره اصلی فرهنگی از اواخر نوسنگی تا پایان عصر مفرغ است . از زمان کاوش های اشمیت در تپه حصار این محوطه به عنوان یکی از محوطه های مبنا برای شناسایی فرهنگ های همزمان در فلات مرکزی ایران مورد استناد باستان شناسان است.

Published in photostream
Saturday, 07 April 2018 15:36

Esfahan- The Pearl of Persia (Part II)

When Shah Abbas decided at the end the sixteenth ce3ntury to make Esfahan his capital, he started building on what was virtually an open site. The clutter of houses which had now grown up round the Friday mosque and the bazzar were left as they stood; the new city began where the old one left off, again to the south and west, on the site of the present Meydan-e-Emam. The Meydan was planted at a spot where the life of Esfahan as it stood would flow through it; it was to be the meeting place of monarch and citizens.

Published in Historical sites
Monday, 22 July 2013 14:47

Sheikh Safi aldin Ardebili

This site is known today as Sheikh Safi Aldin (eddin) Ardebili which consists of many smaller parts and courtyards such as: Aali Qapou, Entrance, great courtyard, the tomb of sheikh safi aldin, seraglio, Tomb of King Esmaiil, Janat Sara Mosque , abbey, Martirdom cemetry and other parts.

This Historical place is one of the most beautiful sites in historical and artistical aspects in Iran.

Published in islamic