لنجان - بقعه پیربکران 30 کیلومتری اصفهان ثبت تاریخی 101

آرامگاه و رواق و صحن بقعه پیربکران از بناهای قرن هشتم هجری بشمار است، که در دوره اولجایتو ایلخان مغولی بنا نهاده شده است ، مجموعه این بنا که دارای دو تاریخ 703 و 712 هجری قمری است، شامل تزیینات گچبری و کاشیکاری بسیار زیبائی است. خطوط ثلث و کوفی و یک سلسله کتیبه های گچبری اهمیت و جذبه خاصی باین بقعه بخشیده ، این بنا که آرامگاه محمد بن بکران از زهاد قرن هشتم هجری است، مشتمل بر رواق ، صحن ، سردر و مقبره میباشد. نام استاد و نقاش بی نظیر این اثر نفیس و هنری محمد شاه نقاش میباشد ، خلاصه بنای مزبور در شمار شاهکاری از هنرهای تزئینی ایران است.


Lenjan - Pirbakran Tomb 30 km from Isfahan Historical record 101
The tomb, porch and courtyard of the tomb of Pirbakran are among the buildings of the eighth century AH, which was built in the period of Oljaito Ilkhan Mongolian. The third and Kufic lines and a series of bedrock inscriptions give a special importance and charm to this tomb, which is the tomb of Muhammad ibn Bakran from the eighth century AH, and includes a porch, courtyard, entrance and tomb. The name of the unique master and painter of this exquisite and artistic work is Mohammad Shah Shah Naghash, the summary of this building is among the masterpieces of Iranian decorative arts

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Tuesday, 08 January 2019 08:23

کویر مصر

روستاى مصر در استان اصفهان در کویر مرکزی قرار دارد و کویر ریگ جن و عروسان پدر در جنوب کویر حاج علی قلی (جنوب شرقی دامغان) واقع شده است.روستاى مصر در استان اصفهان در کویر مرکزی قرار دارد و کویر ریگ جن و عروسان پدر در جنوب کویر حاج علی قلی (جنوب شرقی دامغان) واقع شده است.کویر مصر همچنین دارای یک تالاب آب می باشد.ورود به کویر از دامغان  به جندق  و یا از اصفهان میسر است.مصر دارای چند بوم‌گردی است که می توان در آنجا اقامت کرد.

 Mesr village is located in the central desert of Isfahan Province, and the desert is located in the southern desert of Haj Ali Gholi (southeastern Damghan). Meslr's village is located in the central desert of Isfahan Province, and the desert is located in the southern desert of Haj Ali Gholi (southeastern Damghan).The Mesr desert also has a water lagoon.It is possible to enter the desert from Damghan to Jandag or Isfahan.Mesrhas a few beaches where you can stay there.

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Friday, 09 November 2018 10:40

آب انبار سجزی اصفهان

آب انبار صفوی شهر سجزی، اصفهان از جمله آثار با ارزش تاریخی این شهر است که در ارتباط با یک کاروانسرا طراحی شده و تا سال پنجاه و چهار هجری شمسی آب آشامیدنی این منطقه از طریق این آب انبار تأمین می شده استآب انبار صفوی شهر سجزی، اصفهان از جمله آثار با ارزش تاریخی این شهر است که در ارتباط با یک کاروانسرا طراحی شده و تا سال پنجاه و چهار هجری شمسی آب آشامیدنی این منطقه از طریق این آب انبار تأمین می شده است
بدین صورت آب از سیستم جوی  به آب انبار ریخته و پس از ته‌نشین شده گل و لای موجود در آب انبار، این آب برای مصرف اهالی مهیا می‌ شده است. حجم آب انبار مصرف بیست روز اهالی را تأمین می‌کرده است.

Google translate:

The Safavid reservoir is one of the most valuable historical works of this city, which was designed in conjunction with a caravanserai. By the fifth and fourteenth centuries, drinking water from this area was provided through this reservoir. The Safavid reservoir, the city of Sajzai, Esfahan is one of the most valuable historical works of this city, which was designed in conjunction with a caravanserai. By the year 1954, drinking water from this area was provided through this reservoir.The Safavid reservoir is one of the most valuable historical works of this city, which was designed in conjunction with a caravanserai. By the fifth and fourteenth centuries, drinking water from this area was provided through this reservoir. The Safavid reservoir, the city of Sajzai, Esfahan is one of the most valuable historical works of this city, which was designed in conjunction with a caravanserai. By the year 1954, drinking water from this area was provided through this reservoir.The water was then poured from the atmospheric system into the water reservoir, and after filling the mud in the reservoir, this water was provided for consumption by the people. The volume of storage water was used by residents for twenty days.

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Saturday, 07 April 2018 15:36

Esfahan- The Pearl of Persia (Part II)

When Shah Abbas decided at the end the sixteenth ce3ntury to make Esfahan his capital, he started building on what was virtually an open site. The clutter of houses which had now grown up round the Friday mosque and the bazzar were left as they stood; the new city began where the old one left off, again to the south and west, on the site of the present Meydan-e-Emam. The Meydan was planted at a spot where the life of Esfahan as it stood would flow through it; it was to be the meeting place of monarch and citizens.

Published in Historical sites
Thursday, 15 March 2018 14:59

Esfahan- The Pearl of Persia (Part I)

The 17th century Safavid capital referred to as “Nesf-e-Jahan” (Half the World) by  the Persians, is where today, the climax of Persian architecture can be witnessed in the serene purity of its grandiose mosques and elegant palaces. The ancient city gained political significance under the mighty Saljuqs in 11th and 12th centuries. The superb congregational Mosque of Esfahan dates mainly from this glorious period, having many earlier parts and later additions, earning it the title “the encyclopedia of Persian Mosque”. The great Safavid monarch, Shah Abbas I, moved his capital to Esfahan in 1598, where he lay out a new city center with a vast central square adorned on each side with a remarkable monument, the majestic Imam and Sheikh Lotf-o-LLah Mosque, the reception and gateway palace of Ali-Qapu, and the Qeisarieh Bazaar.

Published in Historical sites
Friday, 23 December 2016 18:02

آرامگاه بید آبادی

تخت فولاد نام قبرستان قدیمی شهر اصفهان است که به نام‌های لسان‌الارض و بابا رکن‌الدین نامیده می‌شده است. قدمت این گورستان از قرن چهارم هجری تا کنون است.
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